Friday, July 26, 2019


I noticed my audience has grown immensely -- literally overnight! I can only hope none of you are townsfolk, as many of them would not take kindly to my nosing around.

Through a couple emails I was alerted that there is a group of young people in town also investigating the disappearances. I will be contacting them shortly to see if we can help each other out. Honestly, however, I don't want anyone else looking into this. But I can't stop them. I was the same as a young person... But that's why I had to get the hell out of dodge 20 years ago.

If anyone has never heard of or visited Nettlebrook, I don't encourage you to do so. While it has it's small town charm, it certainly has secrets. I suppose any place does, but this town's secrets seem to be especially sinister. However, that is only speculation. I haven't been able to get my hands on any hard evidence yet.

Nettlebrook is a strange place. If you didn't grow up here or somehow end up here for college, you would never know it existed. It doesn't exist on any maps, physical or GPS. There is almost no trace of it on the internet. Many folks here distrust strangers, so it makes sense they would distrust the internet, a network of strangers.

Anyway, thank you for visiting my blog, strangers. Stay safe.



  1. Not on any maps huh. That alone is suspect....

  2. Your new fans are from nightmind

  3. Is there a way to subscribe to the blog to get notifications?

  4. Hi HH, I just found this blog and I love the idea! I'm a bit suspicious though: are you SURE you're a former journalist and lawyer? I feel like either of those would know the difference between "its" and "it's." Is someone writing your posts for you? Cause sometimes you say "internet" and sometimes you say "Internet." Your use of grammar just isn't always consistent with someone who would be extremely proficient in writing. Maybe you could ask someone to look over your posts? I'd hate for people to not follow the blog because they don't find it credible. Keep up the great work, I'm so interested in your story!

    1. Firstly, anyone so caught up on the importance on grammar ought to be aware of the struggles with autocorrect when it comes to contractions like ‘it’s/it’s’.
      Moreover, I highly doubt that any readers here would even begin to consider to “not follow the blog”; whether or not his writing proficiency meets your personal standards, I think the rest of us are here for the mysteries of Nettlebrook, and all it holds.
      The fact is, Hunter’s blog is not just a crucial piece of this puzzle we’re putting together - it’s a great one.

      Don’t change a thing, Mr. Holloway!

    2. This is a blog, not some formal paper or legal document. There are plenty of reasons one might make such minor mistakes (I honestly didn't even notice them) especially on the internet. It's not really a big deal, and it doesn't reflect on the intelligence of the person writing informally on the internet, or their profession or professionalism. You should see the way my lawyer sister writes when she's not on the clock. If you can understand what was written, then it's a moot issue.

    3. You guys need to be less naive. Someone shows up in Nettlebrook out of nowhere and you just trust them even when their writing hints that they might not be what they say they are? You're fixin' to become part of the root system with that attitude.

    4. P.S.A y'all, as far as I can tell, Shauna isn't part of the ARG

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
